How Can You Get Rid of Spider Veins? 8 Benefits of Sclerotherapy

Have you heard that anecdote about the first women who wore shorts in 1937 and allegedly wound up causing a minor car accident? It only goes to show that gorgeous gams have been turning heads for decades. But sometimes it can be hard to feel confident about the appearance of your legs if you have an on-going issue with spider veins. At Nourished MedSpa and Wellness Center in Sherman, TX, we know one of the best treatments for spider veins is sclerotherapy, a revolutionary non-surgical vein treatment.

8 Benefits of Sclerotherapy

1. Reduce Spider Vein Visibility

The primary benefit of sclerotherapy is the reduction in the visibility of spider veins. This is a treatment that is designed to correct, reduce, or altogether eliminate the appearance of damaged veins in the legs. The visibility of these veins usually means that blue, green, and purple veins are easily visible to the naked eye, particularly on the calves. This treatment helps damaged veins collapse to reduce their appearance.

What Do Spider Veins and Varicose Veins Look Like?

Spider veins are also sometimes called varicose veins, but the two terms aren't as interchangeable as some would like to think. On the one hand, spider veins have a vaguely web-like appearance thanks to the fact that they mostly affect smaller veins, so these veins almost appear to look like fractured glass or tree roots beneath the skin.

Varicose veins, on the other hand, typically affect larger veins in the legs, which can give these veins a more knobby, twisted appearance. Varicose veins are generally easier to see from a distance and have a distinct texture beneath the skin, usually a bump or protrusion of the vein. In other words, varicose veins have a more pronounced appearance than their spider-like cousins.

2. Treat Varicose Vein Pain

Varicose veins aren't just a cosmetic concern, even if sclerotherapy itself is a cosmetic treatment. Varicose veins are known to cause pain and aching in the legs that can be uncomfortable. Some people with varicose veins may have pain in other extremities, including the feet. It's common for larger or darker varicose veins to cause mild to moderate discomfort. A byproduct of this treatment is the fact that it can significantly reduce the amount of pain associated with these veins.

Why Do Varicose Veins Cause Pain?

While not all varicose veins cause pain, many do for many people. The prevailing theory suggests that vein pain is caused by the inflammation of the vein itself, as well as the unnatural twist or damage to the vein wall. Some people only experience pain in varicose veins during the night.

3. Quick and Painless

This is a quick and painless treatment, making it an ideal alternative to expensive vein surgery, including laser vein ablation. This is a treatment that does not require the use of sedatives or anesthesia, making it a preferable option for patients who do not want to undergo surgery or who are not physically or medically able to withstand surgery.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

On average, this treatment takes about 15 to 30 minutes to complete. The treatment may take more or less time depending on the number of veins being treated, the condition of the veins, and the condition of the skin. The majority of patients can complete this treatment in under an hour without complication.

4. Safe and Minimally Invasive

As a non-surgical vein treatment, this is a safe and minimally invasive option to reduce the appearance of spider and varicose veins. This treatment is often viewed as safer than other vein treatments largely because it comes with fewer risks; for example, clotting in the veins is a significant risk in laser vein ablation, but it is not such a high-risk factor for most patients with this treatment.

How Does Treatment Work?

This treatment works by injecting a special chemical into affected veins, which then collapses the damaged vein wall and reduces the appearance of swollen, twisted, or gnarled veins. Some parts of this treatment may include applying a topical numbing cream to the areas that will be injected.

5. High Success Rate

There is an extremely high rate of success associated with this treatment. The vast majority of patients, between 80% and 90% have positive outcomes from this treatment and achieve their expected appearance-related goals. The success rate of this minimally-invasive treatment is another reason why it is preferable to surgical vein procedures, which are not always guaranteed to work for such a high percentage of patients.

6. Preparation Is Simple

Preparing for this treatment is much simpler than many patients would expect. In fact, there is very little you will have to do before your appointment. The majority of patients follow a few simple guidelines the day before their appointment and that is the extent of their preparation.

Pre-Treatment Instructions

Before your treatment appointment, we will give you a list of pre-treatment instructions to follow for at least 24 hours. These instructions may include:

  • Shave legs 24 hours before treatment

  • Do not apply lotion or oil to the skin

  • Wear loose clothing

7. Recovery Is Easy

Recovery from this treatment is just as easy as preparing for the treatment. In fact, the majority of patients immediately return back to their normal daily activities following the treatment, including work, errands, childcare, and light exercise. There are only a few restrictions patients will have to observe for about 1 week following treatment.

Post-Treatment Instructions

After your treatment, we will give you a list of post-treatment instructions to follow so you can achieve optimal results. Some of these instructions may include:

  • Wear compression stockings as directed

  • No strenuous or high-intensity workouts

  • Avoid excessive heat, including saunas and hot tubs

8. More Confidence and Freedom

One of the best benefits of this treatment is the restoration of confidence and freedom. Without spider or varicose veins on the legs, many patients feel a better sense of body-confidence. Many patients are also able to enjoy enhanced freedoms, such as the ability to confidently wear clothing that exposes the legs without any self-consciousness. Many patients return to wearing clothing such as shorts, skirts, and dresses without feeling the need to cover their legs.

Sclerotherapy FAQ

1. What Causes Varicose Veins?

Spider and varicose veins are something of a medical mystery - medical professionals aren't sure about what exactly causes these veins, but they have many leading theories. It's generally agreed that these veins are caused by damaged or weakened vein walls that cause the veins to stretch and swell. As for what causes the damage or weakness, some theories include:


Women tend to have spider or varicose veins more commonly than men. But beyond gender, other aspects of genetics may be responsible for the formation of these veins. For example, women who have close blood relatives with varicose veins are more likely to develop varicose veins themselves, sometimes even at younger ages. Basically, if your mother or your aunt has varicose veins, it's likely you will also have varicose veins in the future if you don't already.

Pregnancy and Hormones

Many women who are pregnant develop varicose veins over the course of their pregnancy, leading some medical researchers to conclude that hormones may be a leading cause of spider and varicose veins. This is supported by anecdotal accounts of women who experience minor or mild varicose veins during menstruation cycles.


Another possible leading cause of spider and varicose veins is being overweight. Many people who have higher body masses also develop these veins when weight gain is sustained. The reasoning behind this is the stress weight puts on the veins, particularly veins on the legs, which do most of the weight-bearing for the body.

2. Can You Prevent Varicose Veins?

Not exactly. Sometimes spider and varicose veins develop seemingly without much reason, meaning it's very difficult to prevent their formation. However, it may be possible to prevent these veins from getting worse with strategies such as:


Regular exercise, particularly cardiovascular exercise, may reduce your chances of developing new spider or varicose veins. This is because exercise encourages increased circulation in the blood, which helps carry blood out of the legs - and out of the swelling veins in the legs.

Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight for your age, sex, and height may also help prevent the development or worsening of these veins.

Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet that is rich in fiber and low in salt may help improve the circulation in your body, which will take more stress off of your cardiovascular system. For example, it's a well-known fact that a high-salt diet is associated with a heart that works too hard. Drinking plenty of water will also help blood travel better throughout the veins in your body.

Elevating Legs

If you already have spider or varicose veins, then you might consider regularly elevating your legs above heart level when you are sitting down to help blood flow more freely through your body and not pool in your legs.  It's also wise to alternate sitting and standing throughout the day for the same reason.

3. Can Varicose Veins Go Way by Themselves?

No. You cannot prevent these veins entirely, and they do not go away by themselves. Once spider or varicose veins are present, they do not disappear by themselves, even if you can prevent them from worsening.

4. How Fast Does Sclerotherapy Work?

This treatment works very quickly, with the majority of patients seeing results within 2 to 8 weeks. You may see results sooner if you only have minor veins, as spider veins may only require 2 weeks to fully disappear, while more pronounced varicose veins may take up to 2 months for final results.

5. Will You Need More Than One Treatment?

Many patients only require one or two treatments to achieve desired results. You may require more than one treatment depending on the number of veins and the condition of the veins, as well as how well your body responds to the treatment.

6. Is There a Best Time for Treatment?

No. This treatment can be done during any time of the year, although many patients prefer to have this treatment during cooler months because of the compression leggings that must be worn during the day. If you are seeking this treatment to prepare for a certain event or season, it's best to schedule your treatment for at least 2 months before your important date.

7. Is This Treatment Right for You?

This treatment might be right for you if you wish to correct the appearance of the veins in your legs. This treatment is ideal for patients who have mild or moderate spider veins or varicose veins in the legs. We determine patient eligibility during your consultation appointment.

Make Spider Veins Disappear With Sclerotherapy

If you're ready to win back your body confidence and restore your sense of freedom to wear whatever clothes you want without feeling self-conscious about the appearance of your legs, then you might consider this injectable treatment. It's time to start turning heads again with sclerotherapy. Contact Nourished MedSpa and Wellness Center in Sherman, TX to schedule your consultation appointment today.


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