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We offer the latest in cosmetic and wellness procedures to help you look and feel your best, inside and out. Contact us today to learn how we can change your life for the better!
Services and Treatments

Melasma and abnormal pigmentation are both common skin conditions that cause skin to become discolored or blemished. Melasma is most common in women aged 25 to 50 and usually appears as a brown patch or cluster of blue-grey spots. The exact cause is not known, but the main contributing factors include: pregnancy, use of the contraceptive pill and stress. As with most skin conditions exposure to direct sunlight is one of the main external causes. It is estimated that over 50 million people have some form of melasma.
In some cases melasma will clear up naturally- this is generally the case when the outbreak was caused by pregnancy. The most important thing you can do to is to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Clothes, shade and sun cream are essentials on sunny days, and vitamin D supplements will replace the vitamin D lost by avoiding sunlight.
You can improve the appearance of melasma with the following treatments:
✅ ZO Skin Health Pigmented Skin Protocol
✅ Prescription for Hydroquinone
Acne is a very common condition affecting all age groups especially teens and young adults. Its severity can vary from mild to severe cystic form of acne. Often it can be embarrassing and if untreated can lead to scars, discoloration and disfiguration. There are many treatments available that have been used with varying success rate. The best option is always to go for the professional approach that considers all aspects of acne to customize the right treatment and follow up
Acne scars are common, varying in severity, and often result from years of untreated acne. The good news is that prevention and improvement are both achievable. Though many people with acne scarring give up hope that they will ever have healthy, radiant looking skin, there are a number of effective solutions. Acne scar treatment begins with getting existing acne under control, followed by a customized treatment plan to rejuvenate your skin’s appearance.
Treatments to consider:
✅ ZO Stimulator Peel (ZO Glow)
✅ Chemical Peel
✅ ZO Skin Health Acne/Oily Skin Protocol
As we age, our skin begins to change. It becomes thinner and less elastic which can lead to wrinkles and sagging. Our pores may enlarge or our complexion may become uneven. We also tend to produce less oil which could lead to dryness and dullness in the skin.
Use sunscreen containing SPF 30 every day during daylight hours if you will be outside for lengthy periods of time. Wash your face with a medical-grade facial cleanser at least once per day. Use an exfoliator at least twice a week to remove dead skin cells and enhance circulation. After washing and exfoliating, a toner is applied to decrease the pH of the skin to keep it healthy. Once you have gotten your skin ready, you then proceed to the treatments. This should involve using a retinol and/or growth factor. Many people think that once they pass middle age it is too late to take care of their skin. The mistake that many adults make is not taking care of themselves when they are younger.
Collagen is the main structural protein that forms the connective tissue throughout our body, from skin to bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. After age 25, our bodies start producing less collagen, at a rate of about 1% less per year in the skin. By the time we're 50, there is almost no new collagen being made and the collagen that remains becomes broken down, fragmented, and weaker which, makes more fragile skin, wrinkles and sagging. Extrinsic aging, such as that resulting from smoking, diet, and sun exposure, can also lead to loss of collagen and elastin, uneven skin pigmentation, and in a worst case scenario, skin cancers.
The use of peptide creams and serums that have very good evidence for stimulating collagen and elastin in the skin and improving skin firmness, tone and laxity, and retinoids topically help stimulate collagen. In office, there are multiple options and the best results often come from utilizing a combination of modalities.
"Radiesse (a type of filler) when diluted out is considered a biostimulator because it stimulates your body's own collagen production and is used on and off the face for deeper volume replacement as opposed to fine line reduction. It is made of material found in our bones called Calcium Hydroxyapatite. It is best used for areas that need definition, lifting and volume such as the chin, jawline, checkbones, temples, and it was the first product FDA approved to be used for hand rejuvenation. It gives immediate results after being injected and lasts for 12-18 months.
Treatments to consider:
✅ ZO Stimulator Peel (ZO Glow)
✅ Deluxe Hydrafacial Anti-aging
✅ Chemical Peel
✅ Facial Anti-aging
✅ Microneedling
✅ ZO Skin Health Acne/Aging Skin Protocol
✅ Erbium Laser Resurfacing
✅ Microneedling with blood platelet therapy
✅ Dermal fillers
✅ IPL Photofacial
✅ Microneedling with radio frequency energy
✅ Botox/Xeomin
✅ Hyperdilute Radiesse
✅ Plasma Pen Fibroblast Treatment
✅ Threadlifting
✅ IV Beauty Cocktail
Nearly anyone can have a double chin, regardless of their size and weight. While procedures like liposuction help, surgery can be costly and invasive.
Do you have an unwanted double chin? Kybella® is FDA approved for the treatment of submental chin fullness (double chin). It is an injectable treatment that works to permanently break down the fat in the area. Kybella® injection includes Deoxycholic acid – a bile acid naturally produced by your body – that helps break down fat. After injecting the acid, it destroys fat cells below your chin. Your body removes the destroyed fat cells in the following weeks.
The number of sessions required to get optimal results might vary for everyone. One can take six injections of Kybella® with an interval of one month in between.
Exilis® is a non-invasive RF technology that delivers deep heating to adipose tissue for body sculpting and fat reduction.
Treatments to consider:
✅ Kybella®
✅ Exilis® Radiofrequency
✅ Microneedling with Radiofrequency using Vivace®
Dry skin is often environmental, but is typically a sign of a defective layer of the skin known as the Dermal-Epidermal Junction (DEJ). Daily Power Defense® is an advanced serum specifically designed to repair the cells of the DEJ. During a 12-week independent, third-party clinical study of 38 subjects to assess the efficacy potential of Daily Power Defense, 96% of participants said their skin felt less dry within 15 minutes. Subjects represented females, ages 47-70, with any skin type. They also used Gentle Cleanser and Sunscreen + Primer during the study.
Treatments to consider:
✅ ZO Stimulator Peel (ZO Glow)
✅ Deluxe Hydrafacial Anti-aging and Hydrating Mask
✅ Chemical Peels
✅ Facials
✅ Microneedling
✅ ZO Skin Health Dry Skin Protocol
✅ Erbium Laser Resurfacing
✅ Microneedling with blood platelet therapy
✅ IPL Photofacial
✅ Microneedling with radio frequency energy
✅ IV Beauty Cocktail
As we age, our skin loses collagen and elastin, which can cause pores to become prominent and the skin’s texture to become less smooth and less radiant. Large pores and rough skin texture are a concern for many, and may cause extreme self-consciousness. Undesirable skin texture is most often attributed to aging, sun exposure, poor diet, smoking and other factors. At Nourished Medspa, we offer a wide array of treatments that can help address these concerns and restore the skin’s youthful appearance.
Microneedling is the creation of small micro-channels to the skin with acupuncture sized needles down to various depths depending on how deep the needles are set at. By creating these micro-channels to the skin, the body will respond naturally by stimulating and producing collagen which can treat fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, stretch marks, acne scars, and textural concerns. In-office microneedling procedures use sterile needles that puncture deep enough in order to cause very slight bleeding in order to deliver consistent and effective results. Collagen stimulation and improvement of the skin texture occurs over one to three months.
Treatments to consider:
✅ ZO Stimulator Peel (ZO Glow)
✅ Deluxe Hydrafacial Anti-aging
✅ Chemical Peels
✅ Facial Anti-aging
✅ Microneedling
✅ ZO Skin Health Aging Skin Protocol
✅ Erbium Laser Resurfacing
✅ Microneedling with blood platelet therapy
✅ Dermal fillers
✅ IPL Photofacial
✅ Microneedling with radio frequency energy
✅ Botox/Xeomin
✅ Hyperdilute Radiesse
✅ IV Beauty Cocktail
Erectile dysfunction (ED) issues can lead to significant self-esteem issues, decreased physical and emotional well-being and a diminished overall quality of life. Although it is possible that ED issues are related to emotional struggles or an underlying mental health condition like anxiety or depression and in some cases medication-induced to treat the very same conditions, it is much more likely that the cause is physiological in nature. Physiological factors that can contribute to ED include blood flow issues related to vascular disease, heart disease or diabetes, neurological complications from stroke, trauma or surgery or simply age-related deterioration of healthy tissue function (e.g., skin, muscles, blood vessels, etc.). The blood platelet treatment can greatly reduce the symptoms of ED, and improve sexual satisfaction in both the patient and his partner.
The OMG Shot (PT-141) is an exciting peptide hormone that improves sexual function in both males and females. This synthetic peptide treats the issue of erectile dysfunction and decreased libido in men. Several women who hadn’t experienced sexual arousal in years became sexually active after using it.
Anecdotal evidence isn’t the only reason why we trust this synthetic aphrodisiac. Various human studies and clinical trials have connected the dots between PT-141 and an improvement in sexual function. Overwhelming scientific evidence in its favor is why FDA has approved PT 141.
Easy lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce or improve ED. You can:
▪️quit smoking
▪️limit or stop drinking alcohol
▪️increase physical activity and maintain a healthy body weight
▪️stop illegal drug use
Treatments to consider:
✅ Blood Platelet Therapy (The D-Shot)
✅ Testosterone Optimization
✅ OMG Shot (PT-141)
✅ Prescription Medications such as Viagra®, Cialis®, Stendra® and Levitra®.
Urinary incontinence is the accidental loss of urine. Over 25 million adult Americans experience temporary or chronic urinary incontinence. This condition can occur at any age, but it is more common in women over the age of 50. There are four types of urinary incontinence: urgency, stress, functional and overflow incontinence.
Using a blood platelet treatment around the urethera can greatly reduce the symptoms of female urinary incontinence.
There are a number of treatment options available for people who suffer from urge incontinence. One common treatment is Kegel exercises, which involve repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles that control urination. Four in 10 women are expected to improve their symptoms after trying Kegels.
Medications such as oxybutynin and tolterodine can also be effective in treating urge incontinence by reducing muscle spasms. You can:
▪️quit smoking
▪️limit or stop drinking alcohol
▪️increase physical activity and maintain a healthy body weight
▪️stop illegal drug use
Treatments to consider:
✅ Blood Platelet Therapy (The V-Shot)
✅ Prescription Medications
Hair loss can affect your look and self-confidence, but it is a problem that you can control and treat in many ways. If you are finally ready to consider hair restoration options, one of the most effective treatments you can have is Hair Restoration with blood plasma. These treatments are a safe way to slow hair loss and regrow your hair, using a state-of-the-art technique which relies on platelets extracted from your own blood. This hair restoration treatment has very low risks, is effective and is also completely natural.
Plasma containing a high concentration of platelets, has many direct, positive effects on hair growth and is an ideal treatment for those who desire a natural and safe hair restoration solution. The plasma contains several natural growth factors which can help give patients a healthier scalp and hairs. For example, the platelets contain:
▪️Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) —this compound facilitates skin and blood vessel growth and cell replication
▪️Transforming Growth-Factor-Beta (TGF-b) — this compound aids the growth of the matrix between cells
▪️Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) — supports the formation of blood vessels
▪️Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) — stimulates cell growth, the formation of blood vessels formation and collagen production
▪️Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2) —supports specialized cell and blood vessel formation
▪️Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) — helps regulate healthy and normal cell physiology
When introduced into the tissues of the scalp, these factors listed above can have an improvement on the health and regeneration of the stem cells of the hair follicle, leading to the formation of healthier follicles and hairs and an overall improved hairline, naturally.
Treatments to Consider:
✅ Blood Platelet Therapy
✅ Prescription Hair Serum
When treating osteoarthritis with blood platelet therapy, Dr. Carter injects the serum directly into the affected joint. The goal is to:
▪️Reduce pain
▪️Improve joint function
▪️Possibly slow, halt, or even repair damage to cartilage
The plasma in the blood platelet therapy is derived from a sample of the patient's own blood. The therapeutic injections contain plasma with a higher concentration of platelets than is found in normal blood.
What is plasma? Plasma refers to the liquid component of blood; it is the medium for red and white blood cells and other material traveling in the blood stream. Plasma is mostly water but also includes proteins, nutrients, glucose, and antibodies, among other components.
What are platelets? Like red and white blood cells, platelets are a normal component of blood. Platelets alone do not have any restorative or healing properties; rather, they secrete substances called growth factors and other proteins that regulate cell division, stimulate tissue regeneration, and promote healing.
Treatments to Consider:
✅ Blood Platelet Therapy
✅ Steroid Joint Injection
As we age, our skin begins to appear to sag due to loss of collagen and elastin. This “sagginess” or “droopiness” can make a person appear older and feel less attractive, with loss of firmness and elasticity. Natural aging, smoking, genetics, diet, stress, sun exposure, weight fluctuations and environmental factors, among other things, result in loss of collagen and elastin in our skin. At Nourished Medspa, we offer several treatments that can correct these laxity issues and rejuvenate the skin. However extreme laxity of skin might need referral to plastic surgery for surgical face-lift. However surgical facelift alone does not address the health of the skin itself. One must know everyone needs different choice of treatments and no single treatment is perfect.
Treatments to consider:
✅ ZO Stimulator Peel (ZO Glow)
✅ Deluxe Hydrafacial Anti-aging
✅ Chemical Peel
✅ Facial Anti-aging
✅ Microneedling
✅ ZO Skin Health Acne/Aging Skin Protocol
✅ Erbium Laser Resurfacing
✅ Microneedling with blood platelet therapy
✅ Dermal fillers
✅ IPL Photofacial
✅ Microneedling with radio frequency energy
✅ Botox/Xeomin
✅ Hyperdilute Radiesse
✅ Plasma Pen Fibroblast Treatment
✅ Threadlifting
✅ IV Beauty Cocktail
A natural part of the aging process is the deterioration of fat, tissue, collagen and elastin in the face, resulting in loss of facial volume, loss of firmness, loss of elasticity and laxity. Natural aging processes, nutrition and environmental factors, smoking and genetics in combination are causes of this issue, and severity can vary widely from person to person. Loss of the youthful elasticity in our face results in the emergence of lines and wrinkles, and loss of definition. This typically begins during your 20’s, with slow but evident bone loss. Thankfully, there are a number of treatments that can quickly and effectively restore a youthful, voluminous appearance. Remember – it is never too early to begin treatment
Hyaluronic acid fillers work by replacing lost volume to restore a more youthful appearance. This versatile ingredient is available on various products across brands to address central facial sagging, gauntness in the periphery of the face, fine lines and wrinkles, creases and folds and to provide an overall lift to overcome the forces of gravity and genetics. Deeper fillers like Juvederm Voluma, and Restylane Lyft provide the foundation for the lift, mimicking bone and giving structure. Juvederm Volbella shines for perioral rhytides (lip lines) and Restylane Kysse provides contour and volume restoration in the body of the lip. Restylane Defyne gives definition and balance to the chin, jawline and profile.
Treatments to consider:
✅ ZO Stimulator Peel (ZO Glow)
✅ Deluxe Hydrafacial Anti-aging
✅ Chemical Peel
✅ Facial Anti-aging
✅ Microneedling
✅ ZO Skin Health Anti-Aging Skin Protocol
✅ Erbium Laser Resurfacing
✅ Microneedling with blood platelet therapy
✅ Dermal fillers
✅ IPL Photofacial
✅ Microneedling with radio frequency energy
✅ Botox/Xeomin
✅ Hyperdilute Radiesse
✅ Threadlifting
✅ IV Beauty Cocktail
Hormones play an integral role in your overall health. As a result, there’s a wide range of signs that could signal a hormonal imbalance. Many conditions that cause hormonal imbalance can be treated.
If you are experiencing menopause, andropause, or a hormonal imbalance, you know that hormones can have a profound impact on your physical and emotional health. What’s more, you probably already recognize the potential value of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to replenish your hormone levels and regulate your body. Today, there are more choices than ever before when it comes to HRT, and treatments such as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can significantly minimize or even eliminate many of the symptoms related to hormonal changes. But even if you know hormone therapy is the best option to address your discomfort, you may struggle to choose the best administration method.
In recent years, hormone replacement using pellet therapy has become an increasingly popular option for both men and women seeking to re-establish their sense of wellbeing. So how do you know if pellet therapy is right for you? By exploring the pros and cons of this innovative treatment method, you can gain the insight you need to make an informed choice and take the next step toward wellness.
Hormone replacement therapy has been used for almost a century to provide relief from hormone-related symptoms and improve quality of life. During that time, both the medications and the administration methods used to deliver them have evolved to better meet the needs of patients. For many, hormone pellets are the most exciting method to date.
Pellet therapy administers hormones via small pellets implanted under the skin, typically in your hip or lower abdominal wall. These pellets measure only 3mm by 9mm—about the size of a grain of rice—and contain custom hormone preparations from a compounding pharmacy that are gradually metabolized by your body over the course of three to four months. How many pellets you need and how often they need to be replaced depends on your personal symptoms and hormone levels. Pellets do not have to be removed, as they dissolve in your body.
Treatments to consider:
✅ Hormone Patches
✅ Hormone Creams
✅ Hormone Pellets
✅ Testosterone Injections
Rosacea is a condition which does not have a permanent cure, but it can be controlled. Though the exact cause is not known, it often seems to be the result of sun damage, auto-immune dysfunction, allergies, skin sensitivity and skin over-reactivity. It’s seen more commonly in those with lighter skin types and very rare in those with darker skin. Those who suffer from rosacea and general skin redness typically experience skin redness, broken capillaries, flushing and hypersensitivity to certain stimulants like heat, cold, alcohol, stress, exercise, etc. The focus of treatment should be on getting the skin in better health, reducing whatever stimulates or exacerbates skin redness and inflammation, and treating the actual vessels. Flushing rosacea seems to be more stubborn to treatment.
Treatments to consider:
✅ ZO Stimulator Peel (ZO Glow)
✅ Deluxe Hydrafacial
✅ Chemical Peel
✅ Facial Acne Clarifying
✅ Microneedling
✅ ZO Skin Health Acne/Oily Skin Protocol
✅ Erbium Laser
✅ Microneedling with blood platelet therapy
Stretch marks are caused by rapid weight loss or gain or growth spurts, and can be of varying severity based on genetics and skin laxity. Scars (including normal, hypertrophic, and keloid scars) can be caused by any number of factors, including surgery, trauma, burns and those that are spontaneous. Those who suffer from scars and stretch marks find them embarrassing. Treating these often requires a multi-treatment multi-modal approach, coupled with the use of medical-grade skincare products, to achieve optimal results. While it’s not possible to “remove” scars and stretch marks completely, they can be made better-looking esthetically and to look less prominent.
Stretch marks are a form of scarring that appear after your skin quickly stretches or shrinks. They often happen due to pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss and bodybuilding.
Treatments to consider:
✅ ZO Stimulator Peel (ZO Glow)
✅ Deluxe Hydrafacial
✅ Chemical Peel
✅ PRX Peel
✅ Facial Acne Clarifying
✅ Microneedling
✅ ZO Skin Health Products
✅ Erbium Laser
✅ Microneedling with blood platelet therapy
The OMG Shot (PT-141) is an exciting peptide hormone that improves sexual function in both males and females. This synthetic peptide treats the issue of erectile dysfunction and decreased libido in men. Several women who hadn’t experienced sexual arousal in years became sexually active after using it.
Anecdotal evidence isn’t the only reason why we trust this synthetic aphrodisiac. Various human studies and clinical trials have connected the dots between PT-141 and an improvement in sexual function. Overwhelming scientific evidence in its favor is why FDA has approved PT 141.
Easy lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce or improve ED. You can:
▪️quit smoking
▪️limit or stop drinking alcohol
▪️increase physical activity and maintain a healthy body weight
▪️stop illegal drug use
Treatments to consider:
✅ Hormone Optimization
✅ OMG Shot (PT-141)
✅ Prescription Medications such as Viagra®, Cialis®, Stendra® and Levitra®.
With the dwindling production of collagen, skin can lose structure, become dry, have less fat, and begin to appear wrinkled, loose, and saggy. Skin rejuvenation encourages collagen growth to help skin become fuller and more youthful.
Retinoids work by prompting surface skin cells to turn over rapidly, making way for new cell growth underneath. They hamper the breakdown of collagen, thicken the deeper layer of skin where wrinkles get their start, and stimulate production of collagen and elastin. Instead of permanent results, retinol resets the starting point with continual use affecting how quickly the aging process occurs. Retinols work best as prevention, so don't wait until wrinkles and dark spots occur to start using it. Another misconception about retinols is that they thin the skin — this could not be farther from the truth. It actually thickens your skin by increasing production of glycosaminoglycans to keep the skin firm, taut, and smooth.
Treatments to consider:
✅ ZO Stimulator Peel (ZO Glow)
✅ Deluxe Hydrafacial Anti-aging
✅ Chemical Peel
✅ Facial Anti-aging
✅ Microneedling
✅ ZO Skin Health Anti-Aging Skin Protocol
✅ Erbium Laser Resurfacing
✅ Microneedling with blood platelet therapy
✅ Dermal fillers
✅ IPL Photofacial
✅ Microneedling with radio frequency energy
✅ Botox/Xeomin
✅ Hyperdilute Radiesse
✅ Plasma Pen Fibroblast Treatment
✅ Threadlifting
✅ IV Beauty Cocktail
Telangiectasias, commonly referred to as spider veins are small, nonfunctioning blood vessels that become dilated and, therefore, more visible under the skin or on mucous membranes anywhere on the body (face, neck, legs, arms, etc.). Spider veins generally pose no health threat to patients, but are a common aesthetic concern. At Nourished Medspa, we offer a number of treatments that can help address these issues.
Treatments to consider:
✅ Sclerotherapy using a prescription medication Asclera®
✅ Laser Sclerotherapy
Frustrating, stubborn fat is a common concern, even for people who live an active lifestyle, as is cellulite (lumpy or dimpled skin, especially on the backs of thighs). Certain areas of the body, such as the abdomen and flanks, simply may not respond to diet or exercise. A series of RF Body shaping treatments might help with the circumferential reduction in the abdomen, arms and thighs. One needs to be within certain BMI, usually less than 30, to be able to benefit from it and a series of sessions and maintenance will be required. Life style changes will be required for all fat reduction treatments.
Vanquish harnesses radiofrequency (RF) energy to painlessly and with no downtime create nonsurgical fat reduction. Vanquish ME is a U-shaped field radiofrequency device. Most typically, 4 weekly treatments are administered to reduce fat along the waistline, abdomen, muffin top, and bra line. The Vanquish FLEX applicator is a smaller treatment arm that is ideal for treatment of unwanted fat in the upper arms, inner and outer thighs.
Treatments to consider:
✅ Kybella®
✅ Exilis® Radiofrequency
✅ Radiofrequency with Vanquish®
✅ Physician Assisted Weight Loss
Unwanted dark hair can appear anywhere on the face and body, and is caused by genetics and excessive androgenic hormone stimulation. Many people find excessive dark hair embarrassing and unsightly. Nourished Medspa’ s top-of-the-line laser will safely and effectively remove dark hairs from anywhere on the face and body, no matter the size of the area treated, for all skin types. Any area of the body can be treated; the most popular areas treated are: full bikini, legs, underarms, face, chest and back. Any hair that is too light for laser hair removal can effectively be removed with our waxing or dermaplaning treatment.
Treatments to consider:
✅ Laser Hair Removal
✅ Dermaplaning
✅ Waxing
Lasers are the most common method of tattoo removal performed today. Tattoos consist of thousands of particles of tattoo ink suspended in the skin. The normal human immune system typically removes small foreign particles from the skin. Tattoo ink particles are too big to be removed by this system and are thus considered permanent. The use of lasers helps to break up these particles into smaller pieces that can be removed by the immune system.
Laser treatments work by targeting the ink particles in the skin with highly concentrated light waves that heat up the ink particles and cause them to fragment into smaller particles that are able to be cleared away by the body's immune system.
Complete removal of a tattoo is usually not accomplished in one laser treatment session. Laser tattoo removal typically requires more than one treatment to reduce the size of the ink particles and make it easier for them to be dispersed by the immune system.
Depending on the tattoo design, size and color, it may take 1-10 laser sessions to remove the ink. Some colors of ink are harder to remove than others and may not be able to be completely removed. There should be a six-week time period between each laser session to allow the wounds to heal and the body to absorb as much of the ink as is possible. Q-switch lasers are often used in the removal of tattoos. Q-switching is a technique in which a laser is used to generate a pulsed output beam in the nanosecond range. The light pulses produced penetrate the layers of skin, where they reach the ink pigment and break it up. The body then uses its natural elimination process to expel the ink from the body.
Treatments to Consider:
✅ Laser Tattoo Removal
IV nutrition consists of a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients that work together to produce significant results. The process involves a customized drip of intravenous vitamin therapy treatment designed to suit each patient’s unique needs.
Some common infusions used include:
– Zinc
– Vitamin C
– Vitamin D
– Glutathione
– B Vitamins
Today, it’s used more commonly for patients striving for improved health, whether that be to help avoid the next flu virus or simply to have more energy throughout the day. It’s believed to be completely safe, effective and restorative. In a perfect world, we’d all drink enough fluids and get the appropriate nutrients we need every day. However, that’s not always an attainable goal to achieve. Because of this, many people depend on a solution that can help complement a good diet and proper hydration for living as our healthiest selves.
IV vitamin therapy can be very helpful in supporting a healthy, nourished body.
✅ IV Vitamin Cocktail
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The American MedSpa Association defines a MedSpa as having four key elements: (1) non-invasive aesthetic medical services; (2) general supervision of a licensed physician; (3) treatments are performed by trained, experienced and qualified practitioners; (4) and onsite supervision by a licensed healthcare practitioner.
Medical Spas are different from a Spa because we offer medical-grade treatments oftentimes with prescription medications. MedSpas are able to perform injections and procedures that are restricted to licensed physicians and healthcare practitioners.
Not every MedSpa facility operates the same way, and it’s important to find a trustworthy, reliable, and medically trained aesthetic physician, licensed esthetician or nurse injector before undergoing any type of cosmetic procedure. This can help ensure that you are getting access to FDA-approved products and expert care.
At Nourished MedSpa and Wellness Center, our consultations are held in-house at our facility, which is conveniently located on Travis Street in Sherman, next to US Highway 75. Patients can typically expect to set aside 30 minutes for their one-on-one consultation, and you’re encouraged to talk about any skin concerns or ailments that are bothering you. We have treatments available to treat acne scars, dry skin, sagging skin, wrinkles, loss of volume, and more - so feel free to be honest about any areas that make you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed!
During your consultation, you will hear recommendations for skincare services or injectables that will help to rejuvenate your skin and help achieve the desired results. We often recommend a trifecta approach! This typically combines injectables (such as Botox®, fillers, or Kybella®), in-house skincare treatments (such as a Hydrafacial®, Microneedling, or dermaplaning), and medical-grade skincare products from our ZO Skin Health® line (to help maintain the results at home). You’ll also get excellent advice on maintaining your results over time and how often you should expect to return for upkeep.
We understand that every patient may have a slightly different aesthetic desire, budget, and skincare concern, so we provide a service menu with your customized recommendations and pricing at the end of every consultation to help you decide.
Ready to take the plunge? We can help! In addition to helping your skin look and feel healthier and younger, we believe a quality MedSpa experience can help brighten your entire day. At Nourished MedSpa, we offer a wide range of customizable aesthetic spa services that help to target skin and beauty concerns. We understand that skincare goes beyond a good cleanser and cream!
Taking care of your skin is just as important as eating healthy and exercising regularly. Talking to an expert can help you set up a long-term skincare routine that fits your schedule, budget, and aesthetic needs. Schedule a consultation with Nourished MedSpa today!
It's fast and easy to schedule a consultation with us and receive your customized plan and pricing based on your needs and goals. Simply contact us via phone or use the scheduling app on the website. Any booking fees are applied to the cost of your treatment!
Unfortunately, the procedures and services offered at Nourished MedSpa are considered elective and cosmetic and as such are not able to be billed under health insurance.
An option for clients is to use CareCredit. CareCredit has been providing a valuable financing option for treatments and procedures that typically are not covered by insurance, or for times when insurance doesn't cover the full amount. CareCredit is also used by cardholders to pay for deductibles and co-payments.
Get our most popular treatments now and pay later with Cherry payment plans.
Quickly get pre-approved for up to $10,000 today using this link!
Cherry is a leading patient “buy now, pay later” option that makes it easy to spread your payments out over time.
Pay using Cherry in 3 simple steps:
1. Apply with our Cherry link to see how much you’re approved for.
2. When you arrive for your appointment, remind the staff that you’ll pay with Cherry. Don’t forget to bring your credit or debit card for the initial payment!
3. Choose the Cherry payment plan that works for you, and check out with our front desk.
There’s no downside to applying, and Cherry doesn’t do a hard credit check. Enter the total treatment cost and choose one of the payment plans that work best for you when you pre-qualify here!
We also accept the CareCredit credit card to help you finance your healthcare needs.
Think of CareCredit as your own health, wellness and beauty credit card. Whether it's hair restoration, non-invasive face lift, facial rejuvenation or a skin care visit, you shouldn't have to worry about how to get the procedures you want. That's why we're pleased to accept the CareCredit health, wellness and beauty credit card. CareCredit lets you say "Yes" to recommended surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures, and pay for them in convenient monthly payments that fit your financial situation.
With special financing options*, you can use your CareCredit card again and again for your cosmetic needs, as well as at 200,000 other healthcare providers, including dentists, optometrists, veterinarians, ophthalmologists and hearing specialists.
It's free and easy to apply and you'll receive a decision immediately. If you're approved, you can schedule your procedures even before you receive your card. With more than 21 million accounts opened since CareCredit began nearly 30 years ago, they are the trusted source for healthcare credit cards.
Don't have CareCredit? Apply here or learn more today.
*Subject to credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. Promotional financing options are available on purchases of $200 or more. Standard Account Terms apply to purchases of less than $200. Promotional financing options available through Pay My Provider may differ from options available in-office. See for details.
When you click on the button to make an appointment, the prices are displayed for each service for your reference.